Package 'albatross'

Title: PARAFAC Analysis of Fluorescence Excitation-Emission Matrices
Description: Perform parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC: Hitchcock, 1927) <doi:10.1002/sapm192761164> on fluorescence excitation-emission matrices: handle scattering signal and inner filter effect, scale the dataset, fit the model; perform split-half validation or jack-knifing. Modified approaches such as Whittaker interpolation, randomised split-half, and fluorescence and scattering model estimation are also available. The package has a low dependency footprint and has been tested on a wide range of R versions.
Authors: Ivan Krylov [aut, cre], Timur Labutin [ths], Anastasia Drozdova [rev]
Maintainer: Ivan Krylov <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 0.3-8
Built: 2025-03-05 03:16:09 UTC

Help Index

PARAFAC Analysis of Fluorescence Excitation-Emission Matrices


Day after day, day after day,
We stuck, nor breath nor motion;
As idle as a painted ship
Upon a painted ocean.

Water, water, every where,
And all the boards did shrink;
Water, water, every where,
Nor any drop to drink.

– Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

Perform parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC: Hitchcock, 1927) <doi:10.1002/sapm192761164> on fluorescence excitation-emission matrices: handle scattering signal and inner filter effect, scale the dataset, fit the model; perform split-half validation or jack-knifing. Modified approaches such as Whittaker interpolation, randomised split-half, and fluorescence and scattering model estimation are also available. The package has a low dependency footprint and has been tested on a wide range of R versions.


In order to work with your data, create feem and/or feemcube objects from files or matrix or array objects. Use feemlist to import files in bulk. If your files aren't in one of the formats supported by feem but you can read their contents by other means, you can supply an importer function to feemlist; it should take a file name and return the corresponding feem object.

Operations that can be performed on the objects include plotting (plot.feem), calculation of fluorescence indices (feemindex), inner-filter effect correction (feemife), handling of scattering signal (feemscatter), changing the wavelength grid of the data by means of interpolation (feemgrid), and scaling (feemscale). Scaling may be automatically undone after performing the PARAFAC decomposition so that the resulting scores would correspond to the data as it was before the scaling.

All processing functions can take individual feem objects, lists of them, or feemcube objects and return values of the appropriate kind. For example, feemscatter always returns an object of the same class but with the scattering signal handled, while feemindex returns named numeric vectors for individual feems but data.frames for collections of them. There's a slight memory benefit to using lists of feem objects, but the difference shouldn't be noticeable, so there's nothing to worry about if you started with a feemcube.

In order to compute PARAFAC, you need to convert your data into a feemcube. Whether you perform jack-knifing, split-half analysis, or PARAFAC itself, a copy of the data cube is kept together with the results and can be extracted back using the feemcube function. The resulting objects support a plot method (described in the same help page) and can give you the data as a few-column data.frame using the coef method.

Once the analysis is finished, the PARAFAC model can be exported for the OpenFluor database (write.openfluor) or stored as an R object using standard R tools (save or saveRDS).

Index of help topics:

[.feem                  Extract or replace parts of FEEM objects
[.feemcube              Extract or replace parts of FEEM cubes
absindex                Functions of absorbance data
albatross-package       PARAFAC Analysis of Fluorescence
                        Excitation-Emission Matrices      Transform a FEEM object into a data.frame
feem                    Create a fluorescence excitation-emission
                        matrix object
feemcorcondia           Core consistency diagnostic for PARAFAC models
feemcube                Data cubes of fluorescence excitation-emission
feemflame               Fluorescence and scAttering Model Estimation
feemgrid                Interpolate FEEMs on a given wavelength grid
feemife                 Absorbance-based inner filter effect correction
feemindex               Fluorescence indices and peak values
feemjackknife           Jack-knife outlier detection in PARAFAC models
feemlist                Create lists of FEEM objects
feemparafac             Compute PARAFAC on a FEEM cube object and
                        access the results
feems                   Synthetic fluorescence excitation-emission
                        matrices and absorbance spectra
feemscale               Rescale FEEM spectra to a given norm and
                        remember the scale factor
feemscatter             Handle scattering signal in FEEMs
feemsplithalf           Split-half analysis of PARAFAC models
marine.colours          Perceptually uniform palettes
plot.feem               Plot a FEEM object
write.openfluor         Export a PARAFAC model for the OpenFluor


Ivan Krylov [aut, cre], Timur Labutin [ths], Anastasia Drozdova [rev]


Murphy KR, Stedmon CA, Graeber D, Bro R (2013). “Fluorescence spectroscopy and multi-way techniques. PARAFAC.” Analytical Methods, 5, 6557-6566. doi:10.1039/c3ay41160e.

Pucher M, Wünsch U, Weigelhofer G, Murphy K, Hein T, Graeber D (2019). “staRdom: Versatile Software for Analyzing Spectroscopic Data of Dissolved Organic Matter in R.” Water, 11(11), 2366. doi:10.3390/w11112366.

Cleese J, Jones T (1970). “Albatross: Flavours of different sea birds.” Journal of Flying Circus, 1.13, 7:05-7:45.

Krylov I, Drozdova A, Labutin T (2020). “Albatross R package to study PARAFAC components of DOM fluorescence from mixing zones of arctic shelf seas.” Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 207(104176). doi:10.1016/j.chemolab.2020.104176.

See Also

feem, feemlist, feemindex, feemife, feemscatter, feemgrid, feemcube, feemscale, feemsplithalf, feemparafac, feemjackknife, feemflame, absindex.



  dataset <- feemcube(feems, FALSE)
  dataset <- feemscatter(dataset, c(24, 15, 10), 'whittaker')
  dataset <- feemife(dataset, absorp)
  plot(dataset <- feemscale(dataset, na.rm = TRUE))

    # takes a long time
    (sh <- feemsplithalf(
      feemscatter(cube, c(24, 15)),
      # in real life, set a stricter stopping criterion, 1e-6..1e-8
      nfac = 2:4, splits = 4, ctol = 1e-4

  pf <- feemparafac(cube, nfac = 3, ctol = 1e-4)

Extract or replace parts of FEEM objects


Extract or replace parts of FEEM spectra. Returns FEEM objects unless dimensions should be dropped. When assigning from a FEEM object, requires wavelengths to match and warns if scale factors differ.


## S3 method for class 'feem'
x[i, j, drop = TRUE]
  ## S3 replacement method for class 'feem'
x[i, j] <- value



A FEEM object.

i, j

Row and column indices, respectively. As in usual R subsetting (see Extract), may be integer, logical or character vectors, or missing.


Coerce result to the lowest possible dimension (dropping the feem class if so).


An array-like object to assign values from. When assigning from FEEM objects, wavelengths are required to match and warnings are issued if scale factors don't match. Use vector subsetting (zero or one argument inside the brackets) to disable the check.


For [: If drop is TRUE and at least one of the index arguments chooses only one element along its axis, a named numeric vector. Otherwise, a FEEM object.

For [<-: a FEEM object.

See Also

feem, [.feemcube


(z <- feem(matrix(1:40, ncol = 8), 66 + 1:5, 99 + 1:8, 3))
  str(z[1:4, 1:2])
  str(z[1,, drop = TRUE])
  z[2:3, 4:5] <- feem(matrix(1:4, 2), 66 + 2:3, 99 + 4:5, 3)

Extract or replace parts of FEEM cubes


Extract or replace single intensities, vectors of them, whole FEEM spectra or even data cubes or their parts from a FEEM cube.


## S3 method for class 'feemcube'
x[i, j, k, drop = TRUE]
  ## S3 replacement method for class 'feemcube'
x[i, j, k] <- value



A FEEM cube object.

i, j, k

Row, column and sample indices, respectively. As usual, may be integer, logical or character vectors. Omitting a parameter results in choosing the whole axis.


Coerce result to the lowest possible dimension (dropping the feemcube class).


An array-like object to assign values from. When assigning from FEEM or FEEM cube objects, wavelengths are required to match and warnings are issued if scale factors don't match. Use vector subsetting (zero or one argument inside the brackets) to disable the check.


For [: If choosing multiple values along each axis or drop is FALSE, a FEEM cube object. If choosing only one sample but multiple wavelengths, a FEEM object. Otherwise, a named numeric matrix or vector, depending on the dimensions chosen.

For [<-: a FEEM cube object.

See Also

feemcube, [.feem


z <- feemcube(array(1:385, c(5, 7, 11)), 1:5, 1:7, 1:11)
  str(z[1:4, 1:2, 1:2])
  z[2:3, 4:5, 3] <- feem(matrix(1:4, 2), 2:3, 4:5, 3)

Functions of absorbance data


Calculate absorption coefficients and/or absorbance data at given wavelengths, spectral slopes, and their ratios.


    x, abs.path, unit = c("log10", "m^-1"), out.A = 254,
    out.a = c(350, 355, 374, 443),
    out.a.ratio = list(c(250, 365), c(465, 665)),
    out.slope = list(c(275, 295), c(350, 400)),
    out.slope.ratio = list(c(275, 295, 350, 400)),
    out.slope.nrmse = FALSE



Absorption data, either a list of two-column matrix-like objects with wavelengths in first column and values in second column, or a multi-column matrix-like object with wavelengths in first column and values in all other columns. Can be named in order to match with the abs.path values, see feemife for details.


A numeric vector of optical path lengths for every spectrum, in centimetres. Defaults to 11 for all samples. If specified, should be either named, with names matching x, or unnamed and containing exactly the same number of path lengths.


Specifies whether x contains absorbance (⁠log10⁠; A=log10I0IA = \log_{10}\frac{I_0}{I}; unitless) or absorption coefficients (⁠m^-1⁠; α=lnI0Il\alpha = \frac{\ln \frac{I_0}{I}}{l}; [m1][\mathrm{m}^{-1}]).


Return absorbance values at the wavelengths given as a numeric vector.


Return absorption coefficients at the wavelengths given as a numeric vector.


Return ratios of absorption coefficients at the wavelengths given as a list of two-element numeric vectors. For every pair of wavelengths, α(λ1)α(λ2)\frac{\alpha(\lambda_1)}{\alpha(\lambda_2)} is returned.


Return spectral slopes at wavelength ranges given as a list of two-element numeric vectors. See the slope.method for the description of how spectral slopes are computed.


Return ratios of spectral slopes for pairs of wavelength ranges given as a list of four-element numeric vectors. For every list element, the value returned is S(λ1,λ2)S(λ3,λ4)\frac{S(\lambda_1, \lambda_2)}{S(\lambda_3, \lambda_4)}.


When computing slopes, also return the root-mean-square error for the models providing them, divided by the range of the response: 1ymaxymini=1n(y^iyi)2n\frac{1}{y_\mathrm{max} - y_\mathrm{min}} \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^n\frac{(\hat{y}_i - y_i)^2}{n}}.


Currently, the spectral slopes are calculated by fitting a linear model lnα=b0b1λ\ln \alpha = b_0 - b_1 \lambda and returning b1b_1 as the slope. See (Twardowski, Boss, Sullivan, and Donaghay 2004) for a discussion of the calculation methods for spectral slopes.

Requested wavelengths missing from the original grid are interpolated using spline. NA values are returned outside the original wavelength range.


A data.frame with one row per sample, containing the following columns:


Names or numbers of the samples.


Absorbance values, for every wavelength in out.A.


Absorption coefficients, for every wavelength in out.a.


Ratios of absorption coefficients, for every wl in out.a.ratio.


Spectral slopes, for every wl in out.slope.


If out.slope.nrmse is TRUE, root-mean-square errors normalised by the range of the absorption coefficients for the models providing spectral slopes.


Ratios of spectral slopes, for every wl in out.slope.ratio.


Twardowski MS, Boss E, Sullivan JM, Donaghay PL (2004). “Modeling the spectral shape of absorption by chromophoric dissolved organic matter.” Marine Chemistry, 89(1), 69-88. doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2004.02.008.

See Also




Transform a FEEM object into a data.frame


Transform a FEEM object from its matrix form accompanied by vectors of wavelengths into a three-column form consisting of (λem,λex,I)(\lambda_\mathrm{em}, \lambda_\mathrm{ex}, I) tuples, which could be useful for export or plotting with lattice or ggplot2.


## S3 method for class 'feem', row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'feemcube', ...)



A FEEM object, or a FEEM cube object.


Passed to data.frame. If default of NULL is used, data.frame will generate sequential integer row.names.


This option is required for compatibility with generic, but is ignored, since the column names are already syntactic and the row names are generated by data.frame automatically by default.


Passed as-is to data.frame.


Rows where intensity is NA are omitted from the output.


A data.frame containing three numeric columns:


Emission wavelength, nm.


Excitation wavelength, nm.


Fluorescence intensity at (λem,λex)(\lambda_\mathrm{em}, \lambda_\mathrm{ex})


For FEEM cube objects, the unique name of the sample possessing this tuple of values, a factor. If the original object didn't have any names, sequential integers are used instead. If the original object had non-unique names, sequence numbers are appended to them using make.unique.

See Also


z <- feem(matrix(1:42, nrow = 7), 1:7, 1:6)

Create a fluorescence excitation-emission matrix object


Functions to create fluorescence excitation-emission matrix objects from R matrices coupled with excitation and emission wavelengths, three-column data.frames containing (λem,λex,I)(\lambda_\mathrm{em}, \lambda_\mathrm{ex}, I) tuples or files.


feem(x, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'matrix'
feem(x, emission, excitation, scale = 1, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
    x, scale = 1, emission = 'emission',
    excitation = 'excitation', intensity = 'intensity', ...
  ## S3 method for class 'character'
feem(x, format, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'connection'
feem(x, format, ...)



The source of the information to create a FEEM object from: a matrix, a three-column data.frame, a file path as a single string, or a connection.

If converting a matrix, its rows should correspond to different fluorescence emission wavelengths specified in the emission argument; conversely, its columns should correspond to excitation wavelengths specified in the excitation argument.

If converting a data.frame, it should have exactly three columns containing emission wavelengths, excitation wavelength, and intensity values. The names of the columns are expected to be “emission”, “excitation”, and “intensity”, respectively, but can be overridden using namesake arguments.

If reading a single file by file path or connection, the format argument must specify the kind of file to parse, see below.


If converting a matrix, this should be a vector of emission wavelengths, each wavelength corresponding to a row of the matrix.

If converting a data.frame, this optional argument specifies the name of the column containing the emission wavelengths.


If converting a matrix, this should be a vector of excitation wavelengths, each wavelength corresponding to a column of the matrix.

If converting a data.frame, this optional argument specifies the name of the column containing the excitation wavelengths.


If converting a data.frame, this optional argument specifies the name of the column containing the fluorescence intensities.


The scale value of a EEM is preserved through the analysis procedure to divide the resulting score values after running PARAFAC. If the EEM has been pre-multiplied prior to creating the FEEM object, you can set the multiplier here.


The FEEM is assumed to be stored as a plain text matrix, readable using read.table, with the first column and the first row containing wavelengths. For example, it is possible to import CSV files obtained from a HORIBA Aqualog® fluorometer by using feem(file, 'table', sep = ',').

Rows are assumed to correspond to emission wavelengths, columns are assumed to correspond to excitation wavelengths; if that's not the case, set the transpose argument to TRUE.

If there are unmeasured points in the spectrum (e.g. the anti-Stokes area) encoded as special numbers (e.g. stored as zeroes or 100-100), specify their values as the na argument (numeric vector). The function will check for triangles filled with these values (such that a threshold Δ\Delta exists where for all λemλex>Δ\lambda_\mathrm{em} - \lambda_\mathrm{ex} > \Delta or λemλex<Δ\lambda_\mathrm{em} - \lambda_\mathrm{ex} < \Delta, X(λem,λex)naX(\lambda_\mathrm{em}, \lambda_\mathrm{ex}) \in \mathtt{na}) and replace them with NAs. If the unmeasured values are not stored as numbers, use the na.strings argument of read.table to specify them.

The fileEncoding argument is treated specially (but preserving the read.table semantics regarding numbers), preventing errors in case the session charset cannot represent all characters from the file: the contents are first converted to UTF-8, then forwarded to read.table. This only works when file is a file path, not a connection. (When passing a connection with an encoding attribute set, make sure that the file contents after decoding can be represented in the session charset.)

The dec argument is also treated specially, making it possible to read a column containing both numbers (with a decimal comma) and strings and then convert them to numbers (transforming the strings into NA_real_).

All other arguments are passed to read.table, with fill defaulting to TRUE instead of FALSE.


Read a ‘.dat’ file as created by “Panorama” software that comes with FLUORAT®-02-PANORAMA fluorometer. Such files contain a header describing the wavelength range, e.g.:

   240.0   650.0     1.0    ; Emission(columns)
   230.0   320.0     5.0    ; Excitation(rows)

The header is followed by the intensity data as matrix, whitespace-separated. Missing points (anti-Stokes area) stored as 00 or 100100 and are automatically filtered out on import. No additional parameters are accepted.


Read an emission map text file created by “F900” software that comes with Edinburgh Instruments fluorescence spectrometers. Separated by empty lines, these files are assumed to contain:

  1. Sample name

  2. Metadata of each emission scan, with names in the first column, including the excitation wavelengths

  3. Fluorescence values with emission wavelengths in the first column

The fileEncoding argument specifies the encoding of the text file and has a safe default of “latin1”. It should typically correspond to the ANSI code page on the computer running F900 that was used to create the file. See iconvlist() for a list of encodings understood by R.

The sep argument specifies the column separator used in the file. A semicolon ; is typically used, though other options are possible.


When converting matrices and data.frames, extra arguments besides those specified above are not allowed.

When reading the FEEM from a file, additional arguments may be passed to format-specific reading functions, see above.


Transposing a feem object using t will remove the class attribute, returning an ordinary matrix.


A FEEM object is a matrix with the following attributes added:


Fluorescence emission wavelengths corresponding to the rows of the matrix, nm.


Fluorescence excitation wavelengths corresponding to the columns of the matrix, nm.


Dimension names, copies of information above. Used only for presentation purposes.


Scale factor, preserved through the analysis, which may be used later to undo the scaling. Initially 11.

See Also

FEEM methods: plot.feem,, [.feem, feemgrid, feemife, feemscale, feemscatter.


feem(matrix(1:40, ncol = 8), 1:5, 1:8)
    data.frame(x = 1:10, y = 21:30, z = 31:40),
    emission = 'x', excitation = 'y', intensity = 'z'
    system.file('extdata/ho_aq.csv', package = 'albatross'),
    'table', sep = ','
    system.file('extdata/F900.txt', package = 'albatross'), 'F900txt'

Core consistency diagnostic for PARAFAC models


Compute the core consistency diagnostic (“CORCONDIA”) by fitting a “Tucker3” core array to the existing PARAFAC loadings.


    model, divisor = c("nfac", "core"),
    kind = c('pinv', 'iterative', 'vec'), ...
  ## S3 method for class 'feemcorcondia'
print(x, ...)



A PARAFAC model returned by feemparafac.


The divisor used in computation of the CORCONDIA value, see Details.


A string choosing the method used to compute the least squares Tucker3 core. Defaults to “pinv” for PARAFAC models without missing data and “iterative” for models where missing data is present. See Details.


An object returned by feemcorcondia.


For kind = 'iterative', forwarded to optim (see Details). Otherwise, not allowed.




The “Tucker3” model uses three loading matrices and a small three-way “core array” to describe a larger three-way array:

Xi,j,k=rstAi,rBj,sCk,tGr,s,tX_{i,j,k} = \sum_r \sum_s \sum_t A_{i,r} B_{j,s} C_{k,t} G_{r,s,t}

It's easy to show that constraining Gr,s,t=1r=s=tG_{r,s,t} = 1_{r = s = t} makes the Tucker3 model equivalent to a PARAFAC model. The core consistency diagnostic works by constraining the loading matrices of a Tucker3 model to the existing loading matrices from a PARAFAC model and estimating the core array. The closer the resulting G\mathbf{G} tensor is to a diagonal one, the better.

Given the least-squares estimated core tensor G\mathbf{G}, the ideal core tensor Tr,s,t=1r=s=tT_{r,s,t} = 1_{r = s = t} and the denominator DD, the CORCONDIA metric is defined as follows:

(1rst(Gr,s,tTr,s,t)2D)100%\left( 1 - \frac{ \sum_r \sum_s \sum_t (G_{r,s,t} - T_{r,s,t})^2 }{D} \right) \cdot 100\%

The denominator can be chosen to be either rstTr,s,t2\sum_r \sum_s \sum_t T_{r,s,t}^2, which is equal to the number of factors in the model (divisor = 'nfac'), or rstGr,s,t2\sum_r \sum_s \sum_t G_{r,s,t}^2, which will avoid resulting negative values (divisor = 'core').

There are multiple ways how the least squares Tucker3 core can be computed. When no data is missing, the matricised form of the model can be used to derive the expression (kind = 'pinv', the default in such cases):

X=AG(CB)+ϵ\mathbf{X} = \mathbf{A} \mathbf{G} (\mathbf{C} \otimes \mathbf{B})^\top + \epsilon

G^=A+X((C)+(B)+)\hat{\mathbf{G}} = \mathbf{A}^{+} \mathbf{X} ( (\mathbf{C}^\top)^{+} \otimes (\mathbf{B}^\top)^{+} )

With missing data present, a binary matrix of weights W\mathbf{W} appears:

minGW(AG(CB)X)2\min_\mathbf{G} \left\| \mathbf W \circ ( \mathbf{A} \mathbf{G} (\mathbf{C} \otimes \mathbf{B})^\top - \mathbf{X} ) \right\|^2

A gradient-based method can be used to solve this problem iteratively without allocating too much memory, but care must be taken to ensure convergence. For kind = 'iterative' (which is the default for models with missing data), optim is used with parameters method = 'L-BFGS-B', control = list(maxit = 1000, factr = 1). Warnings will be produced if the method doesn't indicate successful convergence.

The problem can also be solved exactly by unfolding the tensor into a vector and skipping the elements marked as missing:

minGvec(AG(CB))non-missingvec(X)non-missing2\min_\mathbf{G} \left\| \mbox{vec}( \mathbf{A} \mathbf{G} (\mathbf{C} \otimes \mathbf{B})^\top )_{\mbox{non-missing}} - \mbox{vec}(\mathbf{X})_{\mbox{non-missing}} \right\|^2

vec(CBA)non-missing×vecG=vec(X)non-missing\mbox{vec}(\mathbf{C} \otimes \mathbf{B} \otimes \mathbf{A}) _{\mbox{non-missing}} \times \mbox{vec}\:\mathbf{G} = \mbox{vec}(\mathbf{X})_{\mbox{non-missing}}

Unfortunately, when this method is used (kind = 'vec'), the left-hand side of the equation has the size of X\mathbf{X} times the number of components cubed, which grows very quickly for models with large numbers of components.


A numeric scalar of class feemcorcondia with the following attributes:


The divisor argument, expanded to one of the valid options.


A three-way array containing the least-squares Tucker core for the given PARAFAC model.


Bro R, Kiers HAL (2003). “A new efficient method for determining the number of components in PARAFAC models.” Journal of Chemometrics, 17(5), 274-286. ISSN 0886-9383, doi:10.1002/cem.801.

See Also



  cube <- feemscale(feemscatter(cube, c(20, 14)), na.rm = TRUE)
  # kind = 'vec' is exact but may take a lot of memory
  feemcorcondia(feemparafac(cube, nfac = 3, ctol = 1e-4), kind = 'vec')
  # kind = 'iterative' used by default for models with missing data
  feemcorcondia(feemparafac(cube, nfac = 4, ctol = 1e-4))

Data cubes of fluorescence excitation-emission matrices


Given a list of feem objects or a 3-way array, build tagged 3-dimensional arrays of fluorescence excitation-emission spectra. Extract the data cube from the corresponding model objects. Transform the data cube into a list of feem objects.


feemcube(x, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'list'
feemcube(x, all.wavelengths, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'array'
feemcube(x, emission, excitation, scales, names = NULL, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'feemparafac'
feemcube(x, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'feemsplithalf'
feemcube(x, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'feemjackknife'
feemcube(x, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'feemflame'
feemcube(x, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'feemcube'
as.list(x, ...)



A list of FEEM objects, possibly named, or a numeric array.

Alternatively, a feemparafac, feemjackknife, feemsplithalf, or a feemflame object.


A feemcube object.


Logical, a flag specifying whether to include wavelengths not present in all of the samples. If FALSE, only those wavelength present in all of the samples are included.


Numeric vector of emission wavelengths. Should correspond to the first dimension of the array x.


Numeric vector of excitation wavelengths. Should correspond to the second dimension of the array x.


Numeric vector of scale factors corresponding to the spectra in the array. Should correspond to the third dimension of the array x. If missing, assumed to be all 11.


Character vector of names of the samples. Should correspond to the third dimension of the array x.


Additional arguments besides those specified above are not allowed.


feemcube.list can be used to build FEEM data cubes from lists of FEEM objects even if their wavelength grids do not exactly match. The missing wavelengths may be set to NA (all.wavelengths = TRUE) or omitted from the cube (all.wavelengths = FALSE). See feemgrid if you need to adjust the wavelength grid of a list of EEMs before making it into a FEEM cube.

feemcube.feemparafac, feemcube.jackknife, and feemcube.feemsplithalf return the data cube originally passed to the corresponding functions.


A FEEM data cube is a numeric three-dimensional array with the following attributes:


Fluorescence emission wavelengths corresponding to the first dimension of the array, nm.


Fluorescence excitation wavelengths corresponding to the second dimension of the array, nm.


Dimension names, copies of information above. Used only for presentation purposes.


Scale factors of the samples, corresponding to the third dimension of the array. Assumed to be 11 if not specified by the user.

as.list.feemcube: A named list of FEEM objects comprising x.

See Also

FEEM cube methods: [.feemcube, plot.feemcube,, feemife, feemscale, feemscatter.


# array form
    array(1:24, c(4, 3, 2)), # 3-way array obtained elsewhere
    seq(340, 400, len = 4), seq(250, 300, len = 3) # wavelengths
  # list form
    replicate(2, feem( # list of feem objects
      matrix(1:6, 2), c(340, 400), c(250, 275, 300)
    ), FALSE),
  str(as.list(feemcube(array(1:60, 3:5), 1:3, 1:4)))

Fluorescence and scAttering Model Estimation


Given a FEEM cube, model the fluorescence and the scattering signals at the same time as a sum of a PARAFAC model and a low-rank unfolded matrix factorisation.


    X, ffac, sfac, maxiter = 32, widths = rep(25, 4), Raman.shift = 3400,
    ctol = 1e-04, progress = TRUE, control.parafac, control.cmf
  ## S3 method for class 'feemflame'
fitted(object, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'feemflame'
residuals(object, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'feemflame'
    object, type = c(
      "scores", "loadings", "emission", "excitation", "samples",
      "scattering", "sc.scores", "sc.loadings"
    ), ...
  ## S3 method for class 'feemflame'
    x, type = c('both', 'fl.image', 'fl.lines'), ...



A feemcube object.


The number of trilinear components used to model fluorescence, passed to feemparafac.


The number of bilinear (low-rank matrix factorisation) components used to model the scattering signal.


Maximum number of alternating PARAFAC and constrained matrix factorisation iterations.


Widths of the scattering regions, like in feemscatter: A numeric vector of length 4 containing the widths (in nm) of the scattering signal, in the following order:

  1. Rayleigh scattering

  2. Raman scattering

  3. Rayleigh scattering, 2λ2\lambda

  4. Raman scattering, 2λ2\lambda


Raman shift of the scattering signal, in cm1\textrm{cm}^{-1}, like in feemscatter.


Given L=XX^2L = ||\mathbf X - \hat{\mathbf X}||^2, stop when ΔLLctol\frac{|\Delta L|}{L} \le \mathtt{ctol}.


Print progress information on the console, including the iteration number, relative sum of squared residuals, and relative change in sum of squared residuals.

control.parafac, control.cmf

Named lists of additional arguments to be passed to the underlying functions. Both default to list(ctol = 1e-4, maxit = 10), which makes both steps to run for 10 iterations or stop when the absolute change in R2R^2 is less than 10410^{-4}, whichever happens sooner.

object, x

A feemflame object.


Determines the type of coefficients to return:


Equivalent to calling coef.feemparafac on the fluorescence model (default).

scores, loadings, emission, excitation, samples

Equivalent to calling coef.feemparafac on the fluorescence model and passing the respective type argument.


A data.frame containing the following columns:


Sample numbers or names.


Scattering intensity value for a given factor.


The number of the scattering component.


A data.frame containing the following columns:

emission, excitation

The wavelengths corresponding to the value of the scattering profile.


Scattering intensity value for a given factor.


The number of the scattering component.


A list with names “scores” and “loadings” containing results of coef(object, 'sc.scores') and coef(object, 'sc.loadings'), respectively.


Describes the kind of plot to produce:


Plot the loadings of the fluorescence and scattering models as false colour images.

fl.image, fl.lines

Equivalent to calling plot.feemparafac on the fluorescence model with the argument “image” or “lines”, respectively.


No other parameters are allowed.


FLAME models the input data as a sum of fluorescence signal (PARAFAC model) and scattering signal (low rank model):

Xk(λiem,λjex)=pAi,pBj,pCk,pfluorescence+qSi,j,qDk,qscatteringX_k(\lambda^\mathrm{em}_i, \lambda^\mathrm{ex}_j) = \underbrace{\sum_p A_{i,p} B_{j,p} C_{k,p}}_{\mbox{fluorescence}} + \underbrace{\sum_q S_{i,j,q} D_{k,q}}_{\mbox{scattering}}

The function alternates between fitting the PARAFAC model on the dataset with scattering signal subtracted and fitting the low-rank model on the dataset with fluorescence signal subtracted. The PARAFAC model is fitted using the feemparafac function. The low-rank model is fitted by means of unfolding the wavelength dimensions into one, resulting in a matrix, followed by the same alternating least squares procedure as done in multivariate curve resolution. Both models are constrained to result in non-negative factors.

The low-rank model is additionally constrained to zero outside the scattering region. The scattering region is defined the same way as in feemscatter, using the widths and the Raman.shift arguments.

Initial PARAFAC model is fitted with the scattering region set to missing. The low-rank model is initialised with truncated singular value decomposition forced to be non-negative.



An object of class feemflame, which is a list containing the following components:


A feemparafac object containing the fluorescence part of the model.


An object of internal class cmf. Please don't rely on its structure.


A feemcube object containing the part of X fitted by the model.


A feemcube object equal to XX^\mathbf{X} - \hat{\mathbf{X}}, with an extra class feem.resid set. Objects of this class are plotted with a different default palette, see plot.feem.resid.


See the description of the type argument.


The structure of the feemflame object, the initialisation, and the constraints may be subject to change in a future version.


Tauler R, Marqués I, Casassas E (1998). “Multivariate curve resolution applied to three-way trilinear data: Study of a spectrofluorimetric acid-base titration of salicylic acid at three excitation wavelengths.” Journal of Chemometrics, 12(1), 55-75. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1099-128X(199801/02)12:1<55::AID-CEM501>3.0.CO;2-#.

Krylov I, Labutin T, Rinnan Å, Bro R (2021). “Modelling of scattering signal for direct PARAFAC decompositions of excitation-emission matrices.” 17th Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics.

See Also

feemparafac, feemcube


  cube <- feemscale(cube)
  factors <- feemflame(cube, ffac = 3, sfac = 1)
  str(coef(factors, 'scattering'))

Interpolate FEEMs on a given wavelength grid


Use interpolation to change the wavelength grid of a single FEEM or unify the grid of a collection of them.


feemgrid(x, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'feem'
    x, emission, excitation,
    method = c("whittaker", "loess", "kriging", "pchip"), ...
  ## S3 method for class 'feemcube'
    x, emission, excitation, ..., progress = TRUE
  ## S3 method for class 'list'
    x, emission, excitation, ..., progress = TRUE



A feem object, a feemcube, or a list of feem objects.

emission, excitation

Desired wavelength grid, as numeric vectors. Must be specified for a single FEEM. If not specified for a collection of FEEMs, all wavelengths falling in the range of the intersection all wavelengths intervals are chosen.


Interpolation method, see feemscatter for details.


Passed from generics to feemgrid.feem, then to interpolation methods. See feemscatter for details.


Set to FALSE to disable the progress bar.


The algorithm doesn't know how to distinguish between NAs that haven't been measured and NAs that resulted from combining different wavelength grids, so it tries to interpolate all of them. As a result, leaving large areas of the spectrum undefined (e.g. anti-Stokes area) is not recommended, since it would result in extrapolation and introduce strong artefacts.


An object of the same kind (FEEM object / FEEM cube / list of them) with emission and excitation wavelengths as requested.

See Also



  x <- feemscatter(feems$a, rep(25, 4))
  y <- feemgrid(x, seq(240, 600, 5), seq(230, 550, 10))
  plot(plot(x, main = 'Original'    ), split = c(1, 1, 2, 1), more = TRUE)
  plot(plot(y, main = 'Interpolated'), split = c(2, 1, 2, 1))

Absorbance-based inner filter effect correction


Use absorbance data to correct inner-filter effect in FEEM objects and collections of them.


feemife(x, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'feem'
feemife(x, absorbance, abs.path = 1, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'feemcube'
feemife(x, absorbance, abs.path, ..., progress = FALSE)
  ## S3 method for class 'list'
feemife(x, absorbance, abs.path, ..., progress = FALSE)



A FEEM object, a FEEM data cube, or a list of them.


If x is a FEEM object: a two-column matrix-like object containing the absorbance spectrum of the sample: the wavelengths in the first column and the unitless absorbance values in the second column.

Otherwise, this could be a list of such objects or a multi-column matrix-like object. If x contains names of the samples (is a named list or had names specified when calling feemcube), absorbance is a named list or has named columns, and all samples from x can be looked up in absorbance, results of this lookup are used. If x or absorbance isn't named, but (given NN-sample x) absorbance has exactly N+1N+1 columns or is an NN-element list, absorbance spectra are assumed to be present in the same order as the samples in x. Otherwise, an error is raised.


If x is a FEEM object, a number specifying the length of the optical path used when measuring the absorbance, cm.

Otherwise, a named vector containing the names from x, or a vector of exactly same length as the number of FEEMs in x: same lookup rules apply as for absorbance argument.

If not set, assumed to be 11.


Set to TRUE to enable a progress bar (implemented via txtProgressBar).


No parameters besides those described above are allowed.


If you receive errors alleging that some names don't match, but are absolutely sure that the absorbance spectra and path lengths are present in the same order as in x, remove the names from either of the objects, e.g. by passing unname(absorbance).

The formula used to correct for inner filter effect is:

Icorr(λem,λex)=Iorig(λem,λex)10A(λem)+A(λex)2LabsI_\mathrm{corr}(\lambda_\mathrm{em}, \lambda_\mathrm{ex}) = I_\mathrm{orig}(\lambda_\mathrm{em}, \lambda_\mathrm{ex}) 10^{ \frac{A(\lambda_\mathrm{em}) + A(\lambda_\mathrm{ex})}{2 L_\mathrm{abs}} }


An object of the same kind as x, with inner filter effect corrected.


Lakowicz JR (2006). Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy, 3rd ed.. Springer US. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-46312-4.

Kothawala DN, Murphy KR, Stedmon CA, Weyhenmeyer GA, Tranvik LJ (2013). “Inner filter correction of dissolved organic matter fluorescence.” Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 11(12), 616-630. doi:10.4319/lom.2013.11.616.



  plot(feemife(cube,absorp) / cube)

Fluorescence indices and peak values


Calculate fluorescence indices or peak values for individual FEEMs or groups of them.


feemindex(x, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'feem'
    indices = c(
      "HIX", "BIX", "MFI", "CFI", "YFI", "FrI",
      "A", "B", "C", "M", "P", "T"
    tolerance = 1, interpolate = FALSE, ...
  ## S3 method for class 'feemcube'
feemindex(x, ..., progress = FALSE)
  ## S3 method for class 'list'
feemindex(x, ..., progress = FALSE)



A FEEM, a FEEM cube, or a list of feem objects.


Fluorescence indices or peaks to return. By default, all indices and peaks known to the function are returned. See Details for their meaning.


A numeric scalar signifying the acceptable emission and excitation wavelength error in nm. For example, if a wavelength of 254254 nm is needed to calculate an index, a value at 255255 nm can be considered if tolerance >= 1. Defaults to 11 nm. See below for what happens if no matching value is found.


A string specifying an interpolation method (“whittaker”, “loess”, “kriging”, “pchip”), or FALSE to disable interpolation (default).

If interpolation is disabled, an index will get an NA value when required points are too far from the measured grid or are present in the grid but set to NA.

When interpolation is enabled, required points that are missing from the grid or present but set to NA will be interpolated using feemgrid as long as they are within the wavelength bounds of the FEEM. NAs may still be returned only when the desired value is impossible to interpolate due to it being outside the wavelength range.


Additional parameters eventually passed to interpolation methods. See feemscatter for details.


Set to TRUE to enable a progress bar (implemented via txtProgressBar).


Available indices and peaks are:


HIX=435nm480nmIdλem300nm345nmIdλem  at  λex=254nm\mathrm{HIX} = \frac{ \int_{435 \, \mathrm{nm}}^{480 \, \mathrm{nm}} I \, d\lambda_\mathrm{em} }{ \int_{300 \, \mathrm{nm}}^{345 \, \mathrm{nm}} I \, d\lambda_\mathrm{em} } \; \mathrm{at} \; \lambda_\mathrm{ex} = 254 \, \mathrm{nm}

Higher values of the humification index correspond to more condensed fluorescing molecules (higher C/H), more humified matter. (Zsolnay, Baigar, Jimenez, Steinweg, and Saccomandi 1999)


BIX=I(λem=380nm)I(λem=430nm)  at  λex=310nm\mathrm{BIX} = \frac{ I(\lambda_\mathrm{em} = 380 \, \mathrm{nm}) }{ I(\lambda_\mathrm{em} = 430 \, \mathrm{nm}) } \; \mathrm{at} \; \lambda_\mathrm{ex} = 310 \, \mathrm{nm}

Index of recent autochthonous contribution determines the presence of the β\beta fluorophore, characteristic of autochthonous biological activity in water samples. (Huguet, Vacher, Relexans, Saubusse, Froidefond, and Parlanti 2009)


MFI=I(λem=450nm)I(λem=500nm)  at  λex=370nm\mathrm{MFI} = \frac{ I(\lambda_\mathrm{em} = 450 \, \mathrm{nm}) }{ I(\lambda_\mathrm{em} = 500 \, \mathrm{nm}) } \; \mathrm{at} \; \lambda_\mathrm{ex} = 370 \, \mathrm{nm}

The fluorescence index by (McKnight, Boyer, Westerhoff, Doran, Kulbe, and Andersen 2001) helps distinguish sources of isolated aquatic fulvic acids and may indicate their aromaticity.


CFI=I(λem=470nm)I(λem=520nm)  at  λex=370nm\mathrm{CFI} = \frac{ I(\lambda_\mathrm{em} = 470 \, \mathrm{nm}) }{ I(\lambda_\mathrm{em} = 520 \, \mathrm{nm}) } \; \mathrm{at} \; \lambda_\mathrm{ex} = 370 \, \mathrm{nm}

The fluorescence index by (Cory and McKnight 2005) is correlated to relative contribution of microbial versus higher plant-derived organic matter to the DOM pool.


YFI=Iˉ(λem[350,400]nm)Iˉ(λem[400,450]nm)  at  λex=280nm\mathrm{YFI} = \frac{ \bar{I}(\lambda_\mathrm{em} \in [350, 400] \, \mathrm{nm}) }{ \bar{I}(\lambda_\mathrm{em} \in [400, 450] \, \mathrm{nm}) } \; \mathrm{at} \; \lambda_\mathrm{ex} = 280 \, \mathrm{nm}

Yeomin fluorescence index (Heo, Yoon, Kim, Lee, Lee, and Her 2016) is lowest for humic-like and fulvic-like samples, higher for aminosugar-like samples and highest for protein-like samples.


FrI=I(λem=380nm)maxI(λem[420,435]nm)  at  λex=310nm\mathrm{FrI} = \frac{ I(\lambda_\mathrm{em} = 380 \, \mathrm{nm}) }{ \max I(\lambda_\mathrm{em} \in [420, 435] \, \mathrm{nm}) } \; \mathrm{at} \; \lambda_\mathrm{ex} = 310 \, \mathrm{nm}

The freshness index, also known as βα\frac{\beta}{\alpha}, is an indicator of autochthonous inputs (Wilson and Xenopoulos 2009) and may provide indication of relative contribution of microbially produced DOM.

A, B, C, M, P, T

Fluorophore peaks taken from (Coble 2007):

Peak λex\lambda_\mathrm{ex} λem\lambda_\mathrm{em} Fluorescence
A 260 400-460 humic-like
B 275 305 tyrosine-like
C 320-360 420-460 humic-like
M 290-310 370-410 marine humic-like
P 398 660 pigment-like
T 275 340 tryptophan-like

When a range of wavelengths specified in one or both axes, the maximal signal value over that range is taken.

The two plots summarise the information above by plotting the       source areas for the peaks and indices on a FEEM with scattering       areas marked separately.

Positions of the peaks and the areas used to determine the fluorescence indices of an EEM. The Rayleigh and Raman scattering areas for both 1st and 2nd diffraction orders are shown in grey, assuming a width of ±20\pm 20 nm and a Raman shift of 3400cm13400 \: \mathrm{cm}^{-1}. The tolerance interval of ±1\pm 1 nm is invisible at the scale of the figure.

Integration for HIX and YFI is done using the trapezoidal method:

abf(x)dx(ba)f(a)+f(b)2\int_a^b f(x) dx \approx (b - a) \frac{f(a) + f(b)}{2}


For individual feem objects, a named numeric vector containing the values requested via the indices argument.

Otherwise, a data.frame containing the values from the vectors above and a column named sample containing the names of the samples (or numbers, if names were absent).


With edits and suggestions by Anastasia Drozdova.


Coble PG (2007). “Marine Optical Biogeochemistry: The Chemistry of Ocean Color.” Chemical Reviews, 107(2), 402-418. doi:10.1021/cr050350+.

Cory RM, McKnight DM (2005). “Fluorescence spectroscopy reveals ubiquitous presence of oxidized and reduced quinones in dissolved organic matter.” Environmental science & technology, 39(21), 8142-8149. doi:10.1021/es0506962.

Heo J, Yoon Y, Kim D, Lee H, Lee D, Her N (2016). “A new fluorescence index with a fluorescence excitation-emission matrix for dissolved organic matter (DOM) characterization.” Desalination and Water Treatment, 57(43), 20270-20282. doi:10.1080/19443994.2015.1110719.

Huguet A, Vacher L, Relexans S, Saubusse S, Froidefond JM, Parlanti E (2009). “Properties of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in the Gironde Estuary.” Organic Geochemistry, 40(6), 706-719. doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2009.03.002.

McKnight DM, Boyer EW, Westerhoff PK, Doran PT, Kulbe T, Andersen DT (2001). “Spectrofluorometric characterization of dissolved organic matter for indication of precursor organic material and aromaticity.” Limnology and Oceanography, 46(1), 38-48. doi:10.4319/lo.2001.46.1.0038.

Wilson HF, Xenopoulos MA (2009). “Effects of agricultural land use on the composition of fluvial dissolved organic matter.” Nature Geoscience, 2(1), 37-41. doi:10.1038/ngeo391.

Zsolnay A, Baigar E, Jimenez M, Steinweg B, Saccomandi F (1999). “Differentiating with fluorescence spectroscopy the sources of dissolved organic matter in soils subjected to drying.” Chemosphere, 38(1), 45-50. doi:10.1016/S0045-6535(98)00166-0.

See Also




  x <- feemscatter(feems$a, rep(25, 4), 'omit')
  feemindex(x, interpolate = 'whittaker')

  feemindex(feemcube(feems[4:5], TRUE))

Jack-knife outlier detection in PARAFAC models


Perform leave-one-out fitting + validation of PARAFAC models on a given FEEM cube.


feemjackknife(cube, ..., progress = TRUE)
  ## S3 method for class 'feemjackknife'
    x, kind = c('estimations', 'RIP', 'IMP'), ...
  ## S3 method for class 'feemjackknife'
    object, kind = c('estimations', 'RIP', 'IMP'), ...



A feemcube object.


Set to FALSE to disable the progress bar.

x, object

An object returned by feemjackknife.


Chooses what to plot (when called as plot(...)) or return as a data.frame (when called as coef(...)):


Produce the loadings from every leave-one-out model.


Produce a Resample Influence Plot, i.e. mean squared difference between loadings in overall and leave-one-out models plotted against mean squared residuals in leave-one-out models.


Produce an Identity Match Plot, i.e. scores in leave-one-out models plotted against scores in the overall model.


Passed as-is to feemparafac and, eventually, to multiway function parafac.


When kind is “RIP” or “IMP”, pass a q argument to specify the quantile of residual values (for RIP) or absolute score differences (IMP) above which sample names (or numbers) should be plotted. Default value for q is 0.90.9.

Remaining arguments are passed as-is to xyplot.


No further parameters are allowed.


The function takes each sample out of the dataset, fits a PARAFAC model without it, then fits the outstanding sample to the model with emission and excitation factors fixed:

c^=(AB)+×vec(X)\hat{\mathbf{c}} = (\mathbf{A} \ast \mathbf{B})^{+} \times \mathrm{vec}(\mathbf{X})

The individual leave-one-out models (fitted loadings A\mathbf A, B\mathbf B and scores C\mathbf C) are reordered according to best Tucker's congruence coefficient match and rescaled by minimising Adiag(sA)Aorig2|| \mathbf A \, \mathrm{diag}(\mathbf s_\mathrm A) - \mathbf A^\mathrm{orig} ||^2 and Bdiag(sB)Borig2|| \mathbf{B} \, \mathrm{diag}(\mathbf s_\mathrm B) - \mathbf B^\mathrm{orig} ||^2 over sA\mathbf s_\mathrm A and sB\mathbf s_\mathrm B, subject to diag(sA)×diag(sB)×diag(sC)=I\mathrm{diag}(\mathbf s_\mathrm A) \times \mathrm{diag}(\mathbf s_\mathrm B) \times \mathrm{diag}(\mathbf s_\mathrm C) = \mathbf I, to make them comparable.

Once the models are fitted, resample influence plots and identity match plots can be produced from resulting data to detect outliers.

To conserve memory, feemjackknife puts the user-provided cube in an environment and passes it via envir and subset options of feemparafac. This means that, unlike in feemparafac, the cube argument has to be a feemcube object and passing envir and subset options to feemjackknife is not supported. It is recommended to fully name the parameters to be passed to feemparafac to avoid problems.

plot.feemjackknife provides sane defaults for xyplot parameters xlab, ylab, scales, as.table, but they can be overridden.



A list of class feemjackknife containing the following entries:


Result of fitting the overall cube with feemparafac.


A list of length dim(cube)[3] containing the reduced dataset components. Every feemparafac object in the list has an additional Chat attribute containing the result of fitting the excluded spectrum back to the loadings of the reduced model.


A lattice plot object. Its print or plot method will draw the plot on an appropriate plotting device.


A data.frame containing various columns, depending on the value of the kind argument:


Values of the loadings.


The axis of the loadings, “Emission” or “Excitation”.


Emission or excitation wavelength the loading values correspond to.


The component number.


The sample (name if cube had names, integer if it didn't) that was omitted to get the resulting loading values.


Mean squared residual value for the model with a given sample omitted.


Mean squared difference in emission mode loadings between the overall model and the model with a given sample omitted.


Mean squared difference in excitation mode loadings between the overall model and the model with a given sample omitted.


The sample (name if cube had names, integer if it didn't) that was omitted from a given model.


Score values for the overall model.


Score values estimated from the loadings of the model missing a given sample.


The component number.


The sample (name if cube had names, integer if it didn't) that was omitted from a given model.


Riu J, Bro R (2003). “Jack-knife technique for outlier detection and estimation of standard errors in PARAFAC models.” Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 65(1), 35-49. doi:10.1016/S0169-7439(02)00090-4.

See Also

feemparafac, feemcube


  cube <- feemscale(feemscatter(cube, rep(14, 4)), na.rm = TRUE)
  # takes a long time; the stopping criterion is weaked for speed
  jk <- feemjackknife(cube, nfac = 3, ctol = 1e-4)
  # feemparafac methods should be able to use the environment and subset
  plot(jk, 'IMP')
  plot(jk, 'RIP')

Create lists of FEEM objects


Convert vectors of file names or objects from other packages (such as eemR or EEM) into flat named lists of feem objects.


feemlist(x, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'character'
    x, format, pattern = NULL, recursive = TRUE, = FALSE,
    simplify.names = TRUE, progress = TRUE, ...
  ## S3 method for class 'eemlist'
feemlist(x, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'EEM'
feemlist(x, ...)



A character vector containing names of files and directories to import using feem.

Alternatively, an eemlist object from the eemR package or an EEM object from the EEM package.


Corresponds to the format argument of feem. Currently, one format is assumed for all files to be imported.

Alternatively, can be a function that takes a path to a file and anything passed in ... and returns a feem object corresponding to the file. This is done to make it easier to import groups of files in formats not yet supported by feem itself.

pattern, recursive,

These options are passed to list.files for directories encountered in x and can be used to e.g. only choose files with a given suffix in the name. Note the non-default value for the recursive option.


If TRUE (default), split resulting names by the path separator (/, also \ on Windows) and remove leading components that have the same value for all samples, but leave at least one component. See Details on how this is related to name generation.


If true, show a text progress bar using txtProgressBar.


When importing files, remaining options are passed to feem or the import function passed in the format argument. Otherwise, no options are allowed.


Names of x are preserved; if x is not named, names are assigned from the values of x itself, and so are empty names in partially-named x. Every directory in x is replaced with its contents (as returned by list.files), their names obtained by concatenating the name of the directory element with their paths inside the directory (with .Platform$file.sep as a separator). For example, when importing x = c('foo' = 'bar') with directory ‘bar’ containing ‘baz.txt’, resulting name would be ‘foo/baz.txt’.

When importing many files from the same directory, the simplify.names option is useful to avoid duplication in resulting names. For example, feemlist('.', simplify.names = FALSE) results in a list with all names starting with ./, while feemlist('foo/bar/baz', simplify.names = TRUE) (default) would shave off all three common path components and the separators.

Mixing files and directories in x will most likely not preserve the order of the elements.

Note: Please don't rely on the name generation behaving exactly as specified as it may be changed in the future versions.

When importing custom file formats, the format function should typically take the following form:

  function(filename, ...) {
    # read data from filename
    # take additional arguments passed from feemlist(...) if needed


A flat named list of feem objects.

See Also

feem; the packages eemR and EEM.


    system.file('extdata/pano2.txt', package = 'albatross'),
    'table', transpose = TRUE, na = 0
  if (requireNamespace('eemR')) feemlist(eemR::eem_read(
    system.file('extdata/ho_aq.csv', package = 'albatross'),
  if (requireNamespace('EEM')) feemlist(EEM::readEEM(
    system.file('extdata/ho_aq.dat', package = 'albatross')
    system.file('extdata/custom.rds', package = 'albatross'),

Compute PARAFAC on a FEEM cube object and access the results


feemparafac forwards its arguments to parafac from the multiway package, optionally rescales the result and attaches a few attributes. Resulting objects of class feemparafac can be accessed using methods presented below.


    X, ..., const = rep('nonneg', 3), ctol = 1e-6,
    rescale = 3, retries = 10, subset = TRUE, envir = NULL
  ## S3 method for class 'feemparafac'
plot(x, type = c("image", "lines"), ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'feemparafac'
    object, type = c(
      "all", "scores", "loadings", "surfaces",
      "emission", "excitation", "samples"
    ), ...
  ## S3 method for class 'feemparafac'
fitted(object, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'feemparafac'
residuals(object, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'feemparafac'
reorder(x, neworder, like, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'feemparafac'
rescale(x, mode, newscale, absorb, like, ...)



A FEEM cube object. The per-sample factors will be multiplied by attr(X, 'scales') stored in it.

If envir is NULL (by default), this should be just a value. If envir is given, this should be a name of the value to get from the environment.


Passed as-is to parafac.


Passed as-is to lattice functions levelplot and xyplot.

reorder.feemparafac, rescale.feemparafac

Forwarded to the respective multiway functions.

coef.feemparafac, fitted.feemparafac, residuals.feemparafac

No other parameters are allowed.


A character vector of length 3 specifying the constraints for all modes of X, passed to parafac. Defaults to non-negativity. See const for more information.


The stopping criterion used by parafac. When a step results in an absolute change in R2R^2 below ctol, the algorithm stops.


Rescale the resulting factors to leave all the variance in the given mode: emission, excitation, or sample (default). Set to NA to disable.


Retry for given number of tries until parafac returns a successfully fitted model or stops due to the iteration number limit. Raise a fatal error if all tries were unsuccessful.


An integer or logical vector choosing the samples from X, as in feemparafac(X[,,subset], ...). Defaults to the whole cube.


An environment to look up X in.

x, object

An object returned by feemparafac.


Given a fitted PARAFAC model:

Xi,j,k=rAi,rBj,rCk,rX_{i,j,k} = \sum_r A_{i,r} B_{j,r} C_{k,r}

With A\mathbf{A} corresponding to fluorescence emission loadings, B\mathbf{B} corresponding to fluorescence excitation loadings, and C\mathbf{C} corresponding to the scores of the components in different samples, the following plots can be produced:


Plot the factors (“loadings”) as a series of pseudo-colour images of outer products ar×br\mathbf{a}_r \times \mathbf{b}_r^\top


Plot the factors ar\mathbf a_r and br\mathbf b_r as functions of wavelengths, with each pair of factors on a different panel.

Fitted PARAFAC coefficients can be returned in the following forms:

emission, excitation, samples

Return the contents of A\mathbf{A}, B\mathbf{B} or C\mathbf{C}, respectively, as a data.frame with three columns, the first one (named wavelength or sample) containing the independent variable (λem\lambda_\mathrm{em} / λex\lambda_\mathrm{ex} / sample name or number), the second one (named value) containing the values and the third one (named factor) containing the factor numbers.


Same as samples.


Same as “emission” and “excitation” combined using rbind, with a fourth column (mode) added, naming the kinds of loadings.


A list with names “emission”, “excitation”, “samples” containing results of coef(object, "emission"), coef(object, "excitation"), coef(object, "samples"), respectively.


A data.frame containing the columns emission, excitation (containing the wavelengths), intensity (containing the values of the outer product ar×br\mathbf{a}_r \times \mathbf{b}_r^\top), and factor (containing the factor numbers rr).


A permutation of integers between 11 and ncol(x$A) (the number of components) specifying the new order of factors. Forwarded to reorder.parafac. Incompatible with the like argument.


A feemparafac object.

In reorder, the factors in x will be reordered to match the factors in like according to the smallest of the cosine similarities (congru) for the emission and excitation wavelengths.

In rescale, every factor matrix A\mathbf{A} from x that was specified in mode will be multiplied by scaling factors c\mathbf{c} so in order to minimise Alikediag(c)Ax2\| \mathbf{A}_\mathtt{like} - \mathrm{diag}(\mathbf c) \mathbf{A}_\mathtt{x} \|^2.


The modes to rescale, with "A", "B", "C" corresponding to emission, excitation, and samples, respectively. When like is specified, defaults to c("A", "B"). Forwarded to rescale.parafac.


The desired root-mean-square for each column of the modes being rescaled. Forwarded to rescale.parafac. Incompatible with the like argument.


The mode that should absorb the inverse rescaling coefficients. When like is specified, defaults to "C". Forwarded to rescale.parafac.


feemparafac tries hard to guarantee the convergence flag to be 0 (normal convergence) or 1 (iteration number limit reached), but never 2 (a problem with the constraints). A fatal error is raised if repeated runs of parafac do not return a (semi-)successfully fitted model.

After the PARAFAC decomposition is calculated, the scores are multiplied by the scales attribute of the X object, making them represent the cube with scaling undone. Use feemscale(remember = FALSE) if you don't want to undo the scaling.

The output option is fixed to "best" value. Obtaining a list of alternative solutions can therefore be achieved by running:

replicate(n, feemparafac(..., nstart = 1), simplify = FALSE)

The subset and envir options are useful to repeatedly perform PARAFAC on different subsets of the same FEEM cube, e.g. in jack-knifing or split-half analysis. Since feemparafac keeps a reference to the its X and envir arguments, the use of subset should ensure that the same FEEM cube is referenced from multiple feemparafac objects instead of creating copies of its subsets. Additionally, environment objects are not duplicated on save or load, so storing X in an environment and passing it to multiple invocations of feemparafac will save a lot of memory when the results are serialised together.

plot.feemparafac provides sane defaults for lattice options such as xlab, ylab, as.table, auto.key, type, cuts, col.regions, but they can be overridden.



An object of classes feemparafac and parafac with the following attributes added:


A copy of the X argument.


A copy of the subset argument.


A copy of the envir argument.


The time it took to compute the decomposition as an object of class proc_time. Only the time taken to run multiway::parafac (including the retries, if the decomposition failed) is included. The time taken to rescale the scores should be negligible.

rownames are added from the original data cube to the A, B, C components of the list returned by parafac.

Use feemcube on the return value to access the original data cube.


A lattice plot object. Its print or plot method will draw the plot on an appropriate plotting device.


A data.frame or a list of them (only if type is “all”). See the description of the type argument for more information.


A feemcube object comparable to X as it was decomposed by parafac, ignoring the scaling.


A feemcube object equal to XX^\mathbf{X} - \hat{\mathbf{X}}, with an additional class feem.resid set. Objects of this class are plotted with a different default palette, see plot.feem.resid.


Bro R (1997). “PARAFAC. Tutorial and applications.” Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 38(2), 149-171. doi:10.1016/S0169-7439(97)00032-4.

See Also

The parafac class structure; write.openfluor, feemcube for methods specific to values returned from this function.

The rescale generic is re-exported from the multiway package.


  cube <- feemscale(feemscatter(cube, c(24, 14)), na.rm = TRUE)
  (factors <- feemparafac(cube, nfac = 3, ctol = 1e-4))
  plot(factors, 'image')
  plot(factors, 'line')
  head(coef(factors, 'loadings'))
  str(coef(factors, 'all'))
  str(feemcube(factors)) # original cube is retained

Synthetic fluorescence excitation-emission matrices and absorbance spectra


This dataset consists of twelve fluorescence and absorbance spectra simulated from three trilinear components, with scattering signal added and divided by a correction factor to simulate inner filter effect.





A named list of 12 feem objects containing fluorescence data measured with excitation wavelengths between 230230 nm and 350350 nm (with a step of 22 nm) and emission wavelengths between 240240 nm and 435435 (with a step of 55 nm).


A 12-sample feemcube object consisting of of 32 by 10 FEEMs measured at the same wavelength range as above with inner filter effect corrected.


A 12-element named list containing absorbance spectra measured between 230230 and 450450 nm in 11 cm cells. Each element of the list is a two-column matrix. The first column contains the wavelengths and the second column contains the absorbance values.


    sapply(absorp, function(x) x[,2]),
    type = 'l', lty = 1

Rescale FEEM spectra to a given norm and remember the scale factor


Given a norm function (typically, standard deviation), scale the intensities in FEEM objects to it and optionally remember the scale factor.


feemscale(x, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'feem'
feemscale(x, norm = sd, remember = TRUE, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'feemcube'
feemscale(x, ..., progress = FALSE)
  ## S3 method for class 'list'
feemscale(x, ..., progress = FALSE)



A FEEM object, a FEEM cube object, or a list of anything compatible with feemscale generic.


A function taking a numeric matrix and returning its norm. Typically, sd or sumsq.


Whether to remember the scale factor. If FALSE, the scale factor in the returned object is unchanged.


Passed as-is to feemscale, to feemscale.feem, then to the norm function. Use this to set na.rm = TRUE for functions like sd or sumsq.


Set to TRUE to enable a progress bar (implemented via txtProgressBar).


feemscale.feem: a FEEM object with intensities divided by scale factor (norm(x)) and its scale attribute multiplied by the scale factor.

feemscale.feemcube: a FEEM cube built from FEEM objects scaled as described above.

feemscale.list: a list consisting of results of feemscale generic applied to its elements.


Bro R, Smilde AK (2003). “Centering and scaling in component analysis.” Journal of Chemometrics, 17(1), 16-33. doi:10.1002/cem.773.

See Also



feemscale(feem(matrix(1:42, 6), 1:6, 1:7))

Handle scattering signal in FEEMs


Remove or interpolate scattering signal in individual FEEM objects, FEEM cube objects, or lists of them.


feemscatter(x, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'list'
feemscatter(x, ..., cl, progress = TRUE)
  ## S3 method for class 'feemcube'
feemscatter(x, ..., cl, progress = TRUE)
  ## S3 method for class 'feem'
    x, widths, method = c("omit", "pchip", "loess", "kriging", "whittaker"),
    add.zeroes = 30, Raman.shift = 3400, ...



An individual FEEM object, FEEM cube object, or a list of them, to handle the scattering signal in.


A numeric vector or a list containing the half-widths of the scattering bands, in nm. Rayleigh scattering is followed by Raman scattering, followed by second diffraction order for Rayleigh and Raman, and so on. (Typically, there's no need for anything higher than third order, and even that is rare.) For example:

  1. Rayleigh scattering

  2. Raman scattering

  3. Rayleigh scattering, 2λ2\lambda

  4. Raman scattering, 2λ2\lambda

  5. ...

For higher diffraction orders, the peak widths are proportionally scaled, making it possible to provide the same number for all kinds of scattering visible in the EEM. Set a width to 00 if you don't want to handle this particular kind of scattering signal.

It's possible to specify the bands asymmetrically. If the area to be corrected should range from x nm to the left of the scattering peak to y nm to the right of it, pass a list instead of a vector, and put a two-element vector c(x, y) for the appropriate kind of scattering. For example, passing widths = list(c(30, 20), 20) means “handle 30-30 nm to the left and +20+20 nm to the right of Rayleigh peak and ±20\pm 20 nm around Raman peak”.

To sum up, given two half-widths W1W_1 and W2W_2, the test for being inside a kkth diffraction order of a scattering band is as follows:

W1<λcenterkλem<+W2-W_1 < \frac{\lambda_\mathrm{center}}{k} - \lambda_\mathrm{em} < +W_2


In this example, a much larger portion of the anti-Stokes area is removed near the first order Rayleigh scattering signal than in the Stokes area. This can be useful to get rid of undesired signal where no fluorescence is observed on some spectrometers. The second and third order scattering signal areas are automatically scaled 22 and 33 times, respectively.


A string choosing how to handle the scattering signal:


Replace it with NA.


Interpolate it line-by-line using piecewise cubic Hermitean polynomials (pchip). Pass a by argument to choose the direction of interpolation; see Details.


Interpolate it by fitting a locally weighted polynomial surface (loess). Extra arguments are passed verbatim to loess, which may be used to set parameters such as span.


Interpolate it by means of ordinary or simple Kriging, as implemented in pracma function kriging. Pass a type argument to choose between the two methods. This method is not recommended due to its high CPU time and memory demands: it has to invert a dense O(N2)O(N^2) matrix (which easily reaches multiple gigabytes for some EEMs), and compute its product with a vector then take scalar products O(N)O(N) times, with N=N = length(x).


Interpolate it by minimising a weighted sum of squared residuals (for known part of the spectrum) and roughness penalty (squared central difference approximations for derivatives by λem\lambda_\mathrm{em} and λex\lambda_\mathrm{ex}). See Details for more information and parameters.


Set intensities at λem<λexadd.zeroesnm\lambda_\mathrm{em} < \lambda_\mathrm{ex} - \mathtt{add.zeroes}\:\mathrm{nm} to 00 unless they have been measured in order to stabilise the resulting decomposition (Thygesen, Rinnan, Barsberg, and Møller 2004). Set to NA to disable this behaviour.


Raman shift of the scattering signal of water, cm1\textrm{cm}^{-1}.


Passed verbatim from feemscatter generics to feemscatter.feem.

If “pchip” method is selected, the by parameter chooses between interpolating by row, by column, or averaging both, see Details.

If “loess” method is selected, remaining options are passed to loess (the span parameter is of particular interest there).

If “kriging” method is selected, remaining options are passed to kriging.

If “whittaker” method is selected, available parameters include d, lambda, nonneg and logscale, see Details.


If not missing, a parallel cluster object to run the scattering correction code on or NULL for the default cluster object registered via setDefaultCluster.


Set to FALSE to disable the progress bar.


The “pchip” method works by default as described in (Bahram, Bro, Stedmon, and Afkhami 2006): each emission spectrum at different excitation wavelengths is considered one by one. Zeroes are inserted in the corners of the spectrum if they are undefined (NA) to prevent extrapolation from blowing up, then the margins are interpolated using the corner points, then the rest of the spectrum is interpolated line by line. Since pchip requires at least 3 points to interpolate, the function falls back to linear interpolation if it has only two defined points to work with. The by argument controls whether the function proceeds by rows of the matrix (“emission”, default), by columns of the matrix (“excitation”), or does both (“both”) and averages the results to make the resulting artefacts less severe (Pucher, Wünsch, Weigelhofer, Murphy, Hein, and Graeber 2019) (see the staRdom package itself).

The “loess” method feeds the whole FEEM except the area to be interpolated to loess, then asks it to predict the remaining part of the spectrum. Any negative values predicted by loess are replaced by 00.

The “kriging” method (Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling, and Flannery 2007) is much more computationally expensive than the previous two, but, on some spectra, provides best results, not affected by artefacts resulting from line-by-line one-dimensional interpolation (pchip) or varying degrees of smoothness in different areas of the spectrum (loess). Any negative values returned by kriging are replaced by 00.

Whittaker smoothing

The “whittaker” method (Krylov and Labutin 2023) works by minimising a sum of penalties, requiring the interpolated surface to be close to the original points around it and to be smooth in terms of derivatives by λem\lambda_\mathrm{em} and λex\lambda_\mathrm{ex}.

The parameters d and lambda should be numeric vectors of the same length, corresponding to the derivative orders (whole numbers 1\ge 1) and their respective penalty weights (small real numbers; larger is smoother). For interpolation purposes, the default penalty is 102D1+10D210^{-2} \mathbf{D}_1 + 10 \mathbf{D}_2, which corresponds to d = 1:2 and lambda = c(1e-2, 10).

Any resulting negative values are pulled towards 00 by adding zero-valued points with weight nonneg (default 11) and retrying. Set nonneg to 00 to disable this behaviour. It is also possible to deal with resulting negative values by scaling and shifting the signal between logscale (typically) and 11, interpolating the logarithm of the signal, then undoing the transformation. By default logscale is NA, disabling this behaviour, since it may negatively affect the shape of interpolated signal.

See the internal help page whittaker2 for implementation details.


An object of the same kind (FEEM object / FEEM cube / list of them) with scattering signal handled as requested.


Bahram M, Bro R, Stedmon C, Afkhami A (2006). “Handling of Rayleigh and Raman scatter for PARAFAC modeling of fluorescence data using interpolation.” Journal of Chemometrics, 20(3-4), 99-105. doi:10.1002/cem.978.

Krylov IN, Labutin TA (2023). “Recovering fluorescence spectra hidden by scattering signal: in search of the best smoother.” Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 122441. doi:10.1016/j.saa.2023.122441.

Press WH, Teukolsky SA, Vetterling WT, Flannery BP (2007). “Interpolation by Kriging.” In Numerical recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing (3rd Ed.), chapter 3.7.4, 144-147. Cambridge University Press, New York.

Pucher M, Wünsch U, Weigelhofer G, Murphy K, Hein T, Graeber D (2019). “staRdom: Versatile Software for Analyzing Spectroscopic Data of Dissolved Organic Matter in R.” Water, 11(11), 2366. doi:10.3390/w11112366.

Thygesen LG, Rinnan Å, Barsberg S, Møller JKS (2004). “Stabilizing the PARAFAC decomposition of fluorescence spectra by insertion of zeros outside the data area.” Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 71(2), 97-106. ISSN 0169-7439, doi:10.1016/j.chemolab.2003.12.012.

See Also

feem, feemcube


  plot(x <- feemscatter(
    feems[[1]], widths = c(25, 25, 20, 20),
    method = 'whittaker', Raman.shift = 3500

Split-half analysis of PARAFAC models


This function validates PARAFAC with different numbers of components by means of splitting the data cube in halves, fitting PARAFAC to them and comparing the results (DeSarbo 1984).


    cube, nfac, splits, random, groups, fixed, ..., progress = TRUE
  ## S3 method for class 'feemsplithalf'
    x, kind = c('tcc', 'factors', 'aggtcc', 'bandfactors'), ...
  ## S3 method for class 'feemsplithalf'
print(x, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'feemsplithalf'
    object, kind = c('tcc', 'factors', 'aggtcc', 'bandfactors'), ...



A feemcube object.


An integer vector of numbers of factors to check.


A scalar or a two-element vector consisting of whole numbers.

The first element is the number of parts to split the data cube into, which must be even. After splitting, the parts are recombined into non-intersecting halves (Murphy, Stedmon, Graeber, and Bro 2013), which are subjected to PARAFAC decomposition and compared against each other.

The second element, if specified, limits the total number of comparisons between the pairs, since the number of potential ways to recombine the parts of the data cube into halves grows very quickly.

The number of PARAFAC models fitted is 2splits[2]2 \cdot \mathtt{splits[2]}. If only splits[1] is specified, splits[2] defaults to (splits[1]splits[1]/2)\mathtt{splits[1]} \choose {\mathtt{splits[1]}/2}.

Mutually incompatible with the parameters random, fixed.


Number of times to shuffle the dataset, split into non-intersecting halves, fit a PARAFAC model to each of the halves and compare halves against each other (Krylov, Drozdova, and Labutin 2020).

The number of PARAFAC models fitted is 2random2 \cdot \mathtt{random}.

Mutually incompatible with the parameters splits, fixed.


Use this argument to preserve the ratios between the groups present in the original dataset when constructing the halves. If specified, must be a factor or an integer vector of length dim(cube)[3] (specifying the group each sample belongs to) or a list of them, i.e., a valid f argument to split. By default, samples are considered to form a single group.

For the split-combine method (splits), each group must have at least splits elements; for best results, sizes of groups should be close to a multiple of splits. For the randomised split-half method (random), each group should have at least 22 elements.

Mutually incompatible with the fixed parameter.


Use this argument to manually specify the contents of the halves to test. The argument must be a list containing two-element lists specifying the halves to compare. Each half must be a vector consisting of whole numbers specifying sample indices in the cube (see the example).

It is considered an error to specify a sample in both halves.

Mutually incompatible with the parameters splits, random, groups.


Set to FALSE to disable the progress bar.

x, object

An object returned by feemsplithalf.


Chooses what type of data to return or plot:


Between-half TCCs for different numbers of components. The smallest TCC is chosen between emission- and excitation-mode values, but otherwise they are not aggregated.

When plotting, TCC values for the component with the same number have the same colour.


The resulting loading values.

When plotting, split the plot into panels per each number of components and each mode (emission or excitation). Components with the same number have the same colour.


aggregate the TCCs returned by coef(x, 'tcc') over individual components. By default, the function returns the minimal values, but a different aggregation can be chosen using the additional argument FUN.

When plotting, use a combination of a box-and-whiskers plot and a violin plot.


aggregate the factor values from coef(x, 'factors') over individual tests and halves. By default, collect the 2.5%2.5\% and 97.5%97.5\% quantiles as the lower and the upper boundaries, respectively, and medians as the estimates.

The additional argument FUN can be specified as a function returning c(lower, estimate, upper) given a numeric vector. The additional argument subset works as in base::subset.

When plotting, the estimates are lines on top of semi-transparent polygons signifying the lower and upper boundaries..


Remaining options are passed to feemparafac and, eventually, to parafac. It is recommended to fully name the parameters instead of relying on partial or positional matching.

The arguments parallel, cl are handled separately, see Details.


Passed to xyplot.


No additional options are allowed.


Ignored unless kind %in% c('aggtcc', 'bandfactors').


As the models (loadings A\mathbf A, B\mathbf B and scores C\mathbf C) are fitted, they are compared to the first model of the same number of factors (Tucker's congruence coefficient is calculated using congru for emission and excitation mode factors, then the smallest value of the two is chosen for the purposes of matching). The models are first reordered according to the best match by TCC value, then rescaled (Riu and Bro 2003) by minimising Adiag(sA)Aorig2|| \mathbf A \, \mathrm{diag}(\mathbf s_\mathrm A) - \mathbf A^\mathrm{orig} ||^2 and Bdiag(sB)Borig2|| \mathbf{B} \, \mathrm{diag}(\mathbf s_\mathrm B) - \mathbf B^\mathrm{orig} ||^2 over sA\mathbf s_\mathrm A and sB\mathbf s_\mathrm B, subject to diag(sA)×diag(sB)×diag(sC)=I\mathrm{diag}(\mathbf s_\mathrm A) \times \mathrm{diag}(\mathbf s_\mathrm B) \times \mathrm{diag}(\mathbf s_\mathrm C) = \mathbf I, to make them comparable.

To perform stratified sampling on a real-valued variable (e.g. salinity, depth), consider binning samples into groups using cut, perhaps after histogram flattening using ecdf(x)(x). To determine the number of breaks, consider nclass.Sturges.

To conserve memory, feemsplithalf puts the user-provided cube in an environment and passes it via envir and subset options of feemparafac. This means that, unlike in feemparafac, the cube argument has to be a feemcube object and passing envir and subset options to feemsplithalf is not supported.

Instead of forwarding the arguments parallel, cl to multiway::parafac, feemsplithalf schedules the calls to feemparafac on the cluster by itself. This makes it possible to fit more than nstart models at the same time if enough nodes are present in the parallel cluster cl.

plot.feemsplithalf plots results of the split-half procedure (TCC or loading values depending on the kind argument) using lattice graphics. Sane defaults are provided for xyplot parameters xlab, ylab, as.table, but they can be overridden.

print.feemsplithalf displays a very short summary of the analysis, currently the minimum TCC value for each number of components.

coef.feemsplithalf returns the Tucker's congruence coefficients resulting from the split-half analysis.


feemsplithalf, print.feemsplithalf

An object of class feemsplithalf, containing named fields:


A list of feemparafac objects containing the factors of the halves. The list has dimensions, the first one corresponding to the halves (always 2), the second to different numbers of factors (as many as in nfac) and the third to different groupings of the samples (depends on splits or random).


A named list containing arrays of Tucker's congruence coefficients between the halves. Each entry in the list corresponds to an element in the nfac argument. The dimensions of each array in the list correspond to, in order: the factors (1 to nfac[i]), the modes (emission or excitation) and the groupings of the samples (depending on splits or random).


A copy of nfac argument.


A lattice plot object. Its print or plot method will draw the plot on an appropriate plotting device.


A data.frame containing various columns, depending on the value of the kind argument:


The factor (out of nfac) under consideration.


Tucker's congruence coefficient between a pair of matching components. Out of two possible values (TCC between excitation loadings or emission loadings), the minimal one is chosen, because the same rule is used to find which components match when reordering them in a pair of models.


The sequence number for each pair of models in the split-half test, related to the third dimension of object$factors or object$tcc. May be used to group values for plotting or aggregation.


Consists of two-element lists containing indices of the samples in each half of the original cube.


The number of factors in the pair of models under consideration.


Emission and excitation wavelengths.


The values of the loadings.


Number of the factor, 11 to nfac.


The mode the loading value belongs to, “Emission” or “Excitation”.


Total number of factors.


Sequence number of a split-half test, indicating a given way to split the dataset in a group of splits with the same numbers of factors.


Number of the half, 11 or 22.


For every row, this is an integer vector indicating the subset of the original data cube that the loadings have been obtained from.


The columns tcc, nfac, test after aggregation of coef(kind = 'tcc').


Columns wavelength, factor, mode, nfac from coef(kind = 'factors'), plus columns lower, estimate, upper signifying the outputs from the aggregation function.


DeSarbo WS (1984). “An Application of PARAFAC to a Small Sample Problem, Demonstrating Preprocessing, Orthogonality Constraints, and Split-Half Diagnostic Techniques (Appendix).” Research Methods for Multimode Data Analysis, 602-642.

Krylov I, Drozdova A, Labutin T (2020). “Albatross R package to study PARAFAC components of DOM fluorescence from mixing zones of arctic shelf seas.” Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 207(104176). doi:10.1016/j.chemolab.2020.104176.

Murphy KR, Stedmon CA, Graeber D, Bro R (2013). “Fluorescence spectroscopy and multi-way techniques. PARAFAC.” Analytical Methods, 5, 6557-6566. doi:10.1039/c3ay41160e.

Riu J, Bro R (2003). “Jack-knife technique for outlier detection and estimation of standard errors in PARAFAC models.” Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 65(1), 35-49. doi:10.1016/S0169-7439(02)00090-4.

See Also

feemparafac, parafac, congru, feemcube.


  cube <- feemscale(feemscatter(cube, rep(14, 4)), na.rm = TRUE)

  (sh <- feemsplithalf(
    cube, 1:4, splits = 4, # => S4C6T3
    # splits = c(4, 2) would be S4C4T2, and so on
    # the rest is passed to multiway::parafac;
    ctol = 1e-4
    # here we set a mild stopping criterion for speed;
    # be sure to use a stricter one for real tasks

  # specifying fixed halves to compare as list of 2-element lists
  fixed <- list(
    list(1:6, 7:12),
    list(seq(1, 11, 2), seq(2, 12, 2))
  sh.f <- feemsplithalf(cube, 2:3, fixed = fixed, ctol = 1e-4)

  plot(sh, 'aggtcc')
  head(coef(sh, 'factors'))

Perceptually uniform palettes


Create perceptually continuous palettes of R colours.


    n, chroma = 0.65, luminance = c(0.35, 1),
    alpha = 1, gamma = 1, fixup = TRUE
    n, chroma = c(.1, .75), luminance = c(1, .35),
    alpha = 1, gamma = 1, fixup = TRUE



Number of colours to return.


Specifies the chroma (how saturated should the colours be) for the palette, a real number between 00 and 11. May also be a two-element vector, in which case the chroma is changed smoothly from start to finish of the resulting palette.


Specifies the luminance (how bright should the colours be) of the colours constituting the palette. Typically, a two-element vector of real numbers between 00 and 11 to indicate smooth change along the palette, but can also be a fixed number.


Specifies the transparency of the colours of the palette. As above, can be a fixed number or a two-element vector in the range [0,1][0,1]. Typically, fully opaque (alpha=1) colours are used.


Provides the power coefficient for the hue/chroma/luminance/alpha growth formulae. May be useful when it is needed to sacrifice the perceptual linearity of the palette to provide more contrast for smaller or bigger values on the plot. The gamma-corrected values are obtained by computing xγx ^ \gamma, x[0;1]x \in [0;1], then scaling the result linearly to the required range. Typically, linear growth (gamma = 1) is preferred.


Whether to correct the palette if the resulting colours happen to fall outside the valid RGB range (passed as-is to hcl). Unrepresentable colours are returned as NAs, but fixing the palette may make it less perceptually uniform.


The marine.colours palette is used by default by all plot methods (e.g. plot.feem) for FEEM-like data to show absolute values. It is designed to retain perceptual uniformity even after complete desaturation.

The diverging.colours palette is used by plot.feem.resid to display residual values. People with severe colour vision deficiency (tritanopia or monochromacy) won't be able to discern positive and negative branches of the palette, but it's supposed to be legible for people with deuteranopia and protanopia.


A character vector of length n containing colour specifications for use with R graphics functions.


The marine.colours palette at the default values of Cuv=0.65C_{uv}^* = 0.65, L[0.35;1]L^* \in [0.35; 1], α=γ=1\alpha = \gamma = 1.


The diverging.colours palette at the default values of Cuv[0.1;0.75]C_{uv}^* \in [0.1; 0.75], L[0.35;1]L^* \in [0.35; 1], α=γ=1\alpha = \gamma = 1.


Insired by cmocean palette called “haline” (, but using R's implementation of polar CIE-LUV colour space instead of CAM02-UCS.

CUBEHELIX ( is a similar technique using BT.601 luminance coefficients and RGB colour space.

See Also

plot.feem, hcl


image(volcano, col = marine.colours(256))

Plot a FEEM object


Plot a 2D fluorescence intensity surface as a pseudo-colour image.


## S3 method for class 'feem'
  x, xlab, ylab, cuts = 128,
  col.regions = marine.colours(256), ...
## S3 method for class 'feemcube'
  x, xlab, ylab, cuts = 128,
  col.regions = marine.colours(256), as.table = TRUE, ...
## S3 method for class 'feem.resid'
  x, ..., at, col.regions = diverging.colours(256)



An FEEM object.


The x-axis label for the plot, with a sane default.


The y-axis label for the plot, with a sane default.


The number of distinct levels the intensity would be divided into, areas between them assigned different colours.


The palette to take the colours from, a character vector of R colour specifications.


The breakpoints in the intensity values. For residual plots, automatically set in a symmetric manner, ignoring the cuts argument.


Whether to draw the panels left to right, top to bottom. (Otherwise they are drawn left to right, bottom to top.)


Passed as-is to levelplot.


A lattice plot object. Its print or plot method will draw the plot on an appropriate plotting device.

See Also



plot(feem(matrix(1:42/42, nrow = 7), 320 + 1:7, 300 + 1:6))

Export a PARAFAC model for the OpenFluor database


Prepares a fitted PARAFAC model for submission to OpenFluor - an online spectral database of fluorescence by environmental organic compounds.


  model, filename, name = "?", creator = "?", doi = "?",
  reference = "?", unit = "?", toolbox =, date =, fluorometer = "?",
  constraints =, validation = "?", methods = "?", preprocess = "?",
  sources = "?", ecozones = "?", description = "",
  shift = FALSE, scale = TRUE



A feemparafac object.


Path to the text file to create from the model argument.


Short name of the model.


Name of the creator of the model.


Digital object identifier of the referenced source. Can also be “ISBN:...” for books.


Full citation for the referenced source using the following style: “Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, (year), ‘Title’, Journal Abbrev, Vol, pages”.


Units the fluorescence was measured in. Typically, one of “RU”, “QSE”, “AU”.


Defaults to “albatross version, multiway version”.


Defaults to today, in “yyyy-mm-dd” format.


The model of the instrument that produced the data.


Constraints applied to the PARAFAC model. Defaults to model$const, but please edit it to a more human-readable form.


Validation method used for the PARAFAC model, examples include: “Split-Half Analysis”, “core-consistency”.


The sequence of steps taken to handle the samples and to ensure proper fluorescence intensity measurement. Examples include:

  • Sampling: Filtration GF/F

  • Sampling: Filtration x um

  • Sampling: samples frozen

  • Instrument spectral bias correction: Ex

  • Instrument spectral bias correction: Em

  • Instrument spectral bias correction: Ex & Em

  • Inner filter effect correction: absorbance method

  • Inner filter effect correction: dilution

  • Inner filter effect correction: CDA

  • Inner filter effect correction: other (please describe)

  • Internal calibration: Raman Peak area

  • Internal calibration: Raman Peak height

  • Internal calibration: Blank Subtraction

  • External calibration: Quinine Sulphate dilution series

  • External calibration: STARNA reference standards

  • External calibration: NIST reference standards

  • External calibration: other (please describe)


PARAFAC-specific pre-processing steps applied to the dataset. Examples include (but are not limited to):

  • Outliers removed

  • Scatter region excised (replaced with NaNs)

  • Scatter region smoothed (replaced with interpolated values)

  • Sample mode normalised to DOC concentration

  • Sample mode normalised to unit variance


Should preferably include one or more of the following keywords:

  • river

  • stream

  • lake

  • wetland

  • reservoir

  • estuary

  • ocean - coastal and shelf seas

  • ocean - surface off-shore

  • ocean - deep off-shore

  • freshwater

  • seawater

  • groundwater

  • wastewater

  • drinking water

  • treated water

  • recycled water

  • ballast water

  • sediment

  • mudflat

  • mangrove

  • aquarium

  • mesocosm


List all major or minor terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecozones and ecoregions that apply. The full set of possible options is too large to include here, but see for a source of inspiration.


Brief description of the model and its source data in 256\le 256 characters.

shift, scale

If shift is specified (default FALSE), the loadings are first shifted by subtracting min(x) to ensure that the minimal value is 00.

If scale is specified (default TRUE), the loadings are then rescaled by dividing by max(x) so that the maximal value is 11.

Note that OpenFluor clamps values outside the [0,1][0, 1] range and uses scale-invariant (but not shift-invariant) Tucker's congruence coefficient to find matches.


Provided the model and the filename arguments, this function exports the loadings into a file that passes OpenFluor syntax check and is suitable for further editing. Alternatively, some or all of the fields may be specified programmatically.

The fields constraints, methods, preprocess, sources, ecozones can be specified as character vectors (to be comma-separated on output); others should be single strings.


Murphy KR, Stedmon CA, Wenig P, Bro R (2014). “OpenFluor - an online spectral library of auto-fluorescence by organic compounds in the environment.” Analytical Methods, 6, 658-661. doi:10.1039/C3AY41935E.

See Also



  cube <- feemscale(feemscatter(cube, c(24, 14)), na.rm = TRUE)
  factors <- feemparafac(cube, nfac = 3, ctol = 1e-4)
  # all defaults
  write.openfluor(factors, f1 <- tempfile(fileext = '.txt'))
  if (interactive())
  # all non-default arguments
    factors, f2 <- tempfile(fileext = '.txt'), name = 'example',
    creator = 'J. Doe', doi = '10.1000/1', reference = paste(
      'Upper D, (1973),', "'The unsuccessful self-treatment of a case",
      "of \"writer's block\"',", 'J Appl Behav Anal, 7(3), 497'
    ), unit = 'AU', toolbox = 'all calculations done by hand',
    date = '2038-01-19', fluorometer = 'Acme Fluor-o-matic 9000',
    constraints = 'non-negative', validation = 'prior knowledge',
    methods = 'Instrument spectral bias correction: Ex & Em',
    preprocess = 'Scatter region excised (replaced with NaNs)',
    sources = 'freshwater', ecozones = 'Balkash',
    description = 'not a real model', shift = FALSE, scale = TRUE
  if (interactive())